Investor FAQs

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1. Where is Adagene headquarters located?

Adagene is headquartered in Suzhou, China at the address below:

4F, Building C14, No. 218, Xinghu Street
Suzhou Industrial Park Suzhou
Jiangsu Province, 215123, People's Republic of China

2. Where is the company incorporated?

Adagene is incorporated in the Cayman Islands.

3. What is the trading symbol and where is the stock traded?

Adagene is listed on the Nasdaq Global Market under the symbol ADAG.

4. When does the company's fiscal year end?

Adagene's fiscal year ends on December 31.

5. Who is Adagene's American Depository Share ("ADS") bank?

Adagene’s ADS banks is J.P. Morgan Chase Bank, N.A. whose depository is located at 383 Madison Avenue, Floor 11, New York, NY 10179.

6. Who is Adagene's independent auditor?

Adagene's independent auditor is PricewaterhouseCoopers Zhong Tian LLP.

7. How do I contact Investor Relations?

You can contact Investor Relations via

8. How may I get copies of Adagene's financial documents?

Adagene files Annual Reports (Form 20-F) and furnishes Current Reports (Form 6-K) with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). These reports are available on the SEC's website at, as well as on the "SEC Filings" page via this website.